@article{oai:u-nagano.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000693, author = {古内, 幸雄 and Furuuchi, Yukio}, journal = {長野県短期大学紀要, Journal of Nagano Prefectural College}, month = {Dec}, note = {40002771427, application/pdf, Some factors affecting emulsion stability of acid precipitated proteins from defatted walnut meal and defatted soybean meal were studied, and the following results were obtained: 1) Emulsion stability of walnut acid-precipitated protein (WAP) and soybean acid-precipitated protein (SAP) increased with the increase of protein concentration. 2) Emulsion stability of WAP and SAP was remarkably affected by pH and minimum values were obtained at apparent isoelectric range, pH 4.6, of WAP and isoelectric range, pH 4.5, of SAP. 3) Emulsion stability of WAP and SAP increased with the rise of heating temperature of the protein solution, and gave the highest value at 80℃. Especially, the stability of WAP was hardely affected by heat treatment. 4) Emulsion stability of WAP and SAP was clearly increased with the addition of sodium chloride, except for the protein solution containing 0.1 MNaCl gave minimum value. By heat treatment of protein solution containing NaCl, emulsion stability of WAP increased considerably.}, pages = {9--13}, title = {テウチグルミから分離した蛋白質の乳化特性について (第3報) : 乳化安定性におよぼす諸因子について}, volume = {39}, year = {1984}, yomi = {フルウチ, ユキオ} }