@article{oai:u-nagano.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000143, author = {下平, 佳江 and 加藤, 麻樹 and 大橋, 信夫}, journal = {長野県短期大学紀要, Journal of Nagano Prefectural College}, month = {Dec}, note = {40018816304, application/pdf, One of the farmer's problems in depopulated area is lack of human power to keep agriculture business. Agricultural volunteer is considered as one of the solutions of the problems in farm areas. The purpose of this study is investigation of introduction of farm volunteer by senior generation in town area. The result has shown that the senior generation in town areas is going to join the agriculture for some purposes. One is to exercise for their health. Others are getting fresh and safe foods, studying of agriculture, contribution for other people, stopping the increase of wasteland, and so on. In addition, the result has also shown that the volunteer's requirements are time, close places and transports. Some of the volunteers require some consideration to their labor. Thus the matching system of farmers and volunteers is needed to build the relation among them.}, pages = {81--90}, title = {シニア世代による農業ボランティアへの参加意識}, volume = {65}, year = {2010}, yomi = {シモダイラ, ヨシエ and カトウ, マキ and オオハシ, ノブオ} }