@article{oai:u-nagano.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001364, author = {二本松, 泰子}, journal = {グローバルマネジメント, The Global Management of Nagano}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The Hayashi family was one of the families that served the Owari clan as falconers in the Edo period. Recently, new documents and books on falconry passed down in this family have been discovered. In this paper, these findings are introduced and the necessary information is gathered to understand the actual circumstances of the falconers who served for various clans and carried out their activities during the early modern period. Information that helps to clarify the cultural role falconers played is also presented. Specifically, this paper focuses on the guidebook on falconry for beginners, one of the types of literature on falconry passed down in the Hayashi family, and analyzes this text. This guidebook was written by Mitsushige Hayashi, a falconer who served the Owari clan in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, evidently to convey the knowledge of falconry as a kind of education for enlightenment. This suggests that thank to such kind of literature falconers wrote, falconry may have developed into an educational culture for samurai.}, pages = {1--15}, title = {近世期における諸藩の放鷹文化―尾張藩の鷹匠・林氏と当家伝来の鷹書の紹介―}, volume = {4}, year = {2021} }