@article{oai:u-nagano.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001197, author = {吉岡, 由美 and Yoshioka, Yumi and 小林, ゆかり and Kobayashi, Yukari and 小川, 晶子 and 村澤, 初子 and Ogawa, Akiko and Murasawa, Hatsuko}, journal = {長野県短期大学紀要, Journal of Nagano Prefectural College}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, This paper reports on development of menus for prevention of lifestyle-related diseases for workers in the prime of life as a part of nutrition management service at various life stages. In response to M company’s request to the Nagano Prefecture Health and Welfare Office for measures to deal with lifestyle-related diseases, efforts to increase employees interest in healthy living, and a system for the company cafeteria to disseminate healthy living information were undertaken.  As a result, M company’s food service director’s awareness of salt concentration and food combinations changed. The menus the students provided were evaluated as good in volume, taste and appearance by 90% of the respondents. After nutrition composition charts and displays were shown, 90% of the respondents reported that the calorie and salt content is helpful. 70% of the respondents said that compared to before they will be careful about food, in particular, care about excessive salt was the most common response, followed by care about amount of rice or excessive calorie, and care about excessive fat.  The student menus and event were helpful to increase the health of M company. Students gained knowledge and skill for food service management through the evaluation of their menus and nutrition education from outside sources. Students, a company and a public health center, each with different roles and action, worked together successfully.}, pages = {21--29}, title = {社員食堂の給食を活用した産官学連携による食育推進の取組}, volume = {69}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ヨシオカ, ユミ and コバヤシ, ユカリ and オガワ, アキコ and ムラサワ, ハツコ} }